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Fri, 17-Mar-2023
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PaniTech Academy is the best choice for anyone looking to specialize in cloud security. Here's why: Our training approach is 100% hands-on, providing students with hands-on experience and practical skills that they can immediately apply in real-world scenarios. Our bootcamp covers major cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, equipping students with a broad range of skills that are in high demand. At PaniTech Academy, students receive ongoing support after the training, including resume building, interview preparation, job search assistance, and access to our community of like-minded individuals. With experienced instructors, cutting-edge curriculum, and a focus on hands-on learning, PaniTech Academy's Cloud Security Bootcamp is the best choice for anyone looking to become a cloud security specialist.
  • Basic knowledge of computer networking and security concepts
  • Familiarity with cloud computing and its deployment models (public, private, and hybrid)
  • Familiarity with at least one cloud platform (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud) is recommended, but not mandatory
  • A laptop or a personal computer with an internet connection
  • A free or paid account on at least one cloud platform (AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud) for hands-on labs.
  • Understanding of cloud security fundamentals, including identity and access management, encryption and key management, and network security.
  • Ability to secure AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud infrastructure, including IAM policies, access control, network security, and data encryption.
  • Knowledge of how to secure cloud data, including data backup and recovery, and database security.
  • Understanding of how to secure cloud applications, including web applications, containers, and microservices.
  • Knowledge of incident response and disaster recovery in the cloud, including how to implement backup and recovery solutions for different cloud platforms.
  • Understanding of cloud compliance and auditing requirements, including PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and SOC 2, and how to perform cloud auditing and logging.
  • Hands-on experience with cloud security engineering through labs and exercises on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Improved ability to design, implement, and maintain secure cloud infrastructures and applications.
  • A strong foundation for pursuing further career opportunities in cloud security engineering or related fields.
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