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Cybersecurity Compliance/Accessor Program

Who Is Cyber Security Boot Camp For?• Anyone Trying To Get Into ITIf you’re a college graduate looking to use your education to land a job in Information Technology, or someone in a different field thinking about moving into cyber security, our B...

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Who Is Cyber Security Boot Camp For?

• Anyone Trying To Get Into IT

If you’re a college graduate looking to use your education to land a job in Information Technology, or someone in a different field thinking about moving into cyber security, our Boot Camp prepares you for the job search process! Even if you have no IT background at all, you’ll learn the skills necessary to jump into this ever-growing field.

• IT Analysts Switching To Cyber Security

Already have a position in IT but want to concentrate more on cyber security? The Boot Camp helps you exercise your knowledge and gain greater skill that can get your foot in the virtual door. With more jobs opening up in cyber security every year, completing this course could be your first step towards success!

This 7-week course focuses on the Risk Management Framework (RMF) prescribed by NIST Standards. It provides an in-depth analysis of information security and risk management, FISMA regulations, roles, and responsibilities, and NIST RMF process steps, including security authorization (SA). Each student will gain in-depth knowledge of the NIST publications along with the practical guidance needed to implement them in a work environment. The course can also be used as test preparation for the ISC2 Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) certification.

This RMF course is suitable for employees and contractors of federal “civil” agencies as well as their supporting vendors and supporting providers. It also contains practical guidance that students can use in organizations in the private sector to better protect their operations, assets, and people.


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